As a student, it is very important to stay productive, especially when you are overwhelmed with course tasks and exams. Staying organised and keeping track of how you spend your time is imperative for remaining productive. This is where time tracking apps come into play. These apps allow you to easily start and stop a timer, and they can help you balance your study time and your idle time by showing you how much time you spend studying versus scrolling through social media. They can also alert you if you are spending too much time on one task, which might mean that you are not progressing on it and that you need a break.

Time-tracking apps transform your data into comprehensive reports that help you understand how long it takes to complete different tasks and when to switch tasks to avoid wasting time. When coupled with good time-management techniques such as writing down your tasks and breaking them down into smaller steps, these apps can help you get everything done on time.
To inspire you to stay focused, we identified 6 time-tracking apps which can help you reach your productivity goals!
One of the great things about time-tracking apps is that they motivate you to stay on track and not get distracted, especially if you are remote learning and you do not have a teacher or a professor to watch over you. If you are new to tracking apps and you are not ready to invest in a subscription plan yet, you can always try Clockify, which is a free time tracker and timesheet app. The good thing about Clockify is that you can sync your data across devices as the app has web, desktop, and mobile versions. It also has a free Chrome extension so you can track time directly from your browser.
Focus Booster is based on the Pomodoro technique which is a time-management method designed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s during his time as a university student. This technique breaks work into smaller intervals (typically lasting 20-25 minutes) that are separated by short breaks (usually 5-10 minutes). This is believed to help increase productivity by reducing any interruptions and it is great for students who struggle with concentration and spend a long time in front of their textbooks. Focus Booster automatically records your Pomodoro sessions which lets you review how you spent your time and gain insights on how to increase productivity. The good thing about this time-tracking app is that you can use it online, on Windows and Mac, and on your mobile phone.
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