It's a stressful and exciting time when you're planning to move to university.
Read our top tips to ensure you're prepared.
Tip 1- Make sure your Unikitout Kit has arrived! If you haven't yet ordered, kit yourself out now.
Tip 2- Welcome to your new home, unpack your kit get settled in, and decorate your home for the year any way you like. Jazz it up to your hearts desire, if you are missing a bit of sparkle make sure you have fairy lights. Forgot your favourite blanket at home? Check out the UniKitOut website for any last minute necessities you may have forgotten.
Tip 3- Time for your goodbyes and hellos! Say goodbye to the friends and family who have dropped you off, have your tissues at the ready. Now its time to introduce yourself to your new neighbour’s, whether its popping into their room or propping your door open make sure you show off your memo board full of photos and memories!
Tip 4- It’s time to immerse yourself in freshers life, head down to the freshers fair and make sure you grab as many freebies as possible (be sure to hunt down the dominos stand!) Then check out the rest of the stands for societies and sports teams to sign up for trials.
Tip 5- Throughout the course of your first week check out as many lunch spots on campus as possible until you find your favourite. If you don’t fancy eating out every day don’t forget to kit out your fridge with a fridge & freezer locker, to keep your food safe!
Tip 6- Get ready for your freshers night outs! Whether it’s a big club night or a society quiz night jump in the shower and have a boogie with your waterproof speaker, get yourself smelling fresh with our feeling fruity pack, then make sure your hair is styled to perfection with your hairdryer. Once you are ready to hit the town have a quick shot out of your new jager shot glasses.
Tip 7- Find your school, its time to pick up your timetable for the first term. Head on a walk round campus. Gathering your bearings make sure to find as many of your lecture theatres and buildings as possible so you don’t have to rush on your first day!
Tip 8- If you don’t fancy a crazy night out then head back to halls for a night of movies and chilling with your new flatmates. Make sure you get cozy in your dressing gown and heated blanket, whilst the smell of vanilla and coconut fills the room from your reed diffuser. Turn the lights off and the fairy lights on for the full cinema experience.
Tip 9- It’s time for your first introductory lecture! Make sure you are up bright and early to grab a seat with your friends. Don’t forget your stationery kit, as you don’t want to be missing any key points. First lecture over definitely time to head back to bed, this student life is exhausting!
Tip 10- Time for your first flat dinner, blow your new your flatmates away with your culinary skills by cooking up a storm with your