With A-Level Results Day on the horizon, it's completely normal to feel anxious and stressed in the lead up. Here's our step-by-step guide on what to expect when it comes to picking up those dreaded results & hopefully help make you feel better about this week.
Check to see if your school will be open for results day.
Many schools allow for you to collect your results in person, but you should also have the option of having them sent over electronically. Typically, your school will be open at around 8am for you to collect and receive your results, but this may vary so be sure to check out what time and if your school will be open for results day.
Ensure you have all your UCAS details at hand.
UCAS will receive your results at 8am and your UCAS Hub will be updated. Ensure that you have all your UCAS details at hand to check if you have received any offers, the website will more than likely be busy as other students will be in the same predicament as you.
If your results are not quite wha